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COVID Updates for Travel Nurses: June 3, 2021

June 2, 2021

COVID case numbers are way down in the U.S. and many states are almost fully back to “normal” status. It’s a huge sign of hope that the pandemic might soon be officially called over in the U.S. So what does that mean for travel nurses? Let’s take a closer look. Interested in assignments in COVID-impacted […]


COVID Updates for Travel Nurses: May 26, 2021

May 19, 2021

Big news: the CDC issued recommendations stating fully vaccinated people no longer have to wear a mask in most situations — indoors or outdoors. It’s a sign we’re finally (finally!) seeing some progress against this virus and moving towards “normalcy” once again. Here’s what the science is telling us about COVID-19, including how it’s affecting […]


COVID Updates for Travel Nurses: May 5, 2021

May 5, 2021

There have been some big developments in the COVID world in the past few weeks. While the battle against the virus continues to rage on in India, case numbers in the U.S. are looking promising. Former hot spot areas such as New York and New Jersey are lifting restrictions and multiple other states are following […]


COVID Updates for Travel Nurses: April 28, 2021

April 28, 2021

As the world’s eyes turn towards the devastating wave of cases in India, exacerbated by a lack of vital resources and the so-called double mutant variant, the situation in the U.S. seems to have calmed for now. Here are the latest updates that travel nurses need to know about COVID-19, from vaccines to how the […]


Many Staff Nurses Are Turning To Travel Nursing Because of Burnout

April 28, 2021

The COVID pandemic required a lot of changes, especially for nurses. Now, over a year into the pandemic, many staff nurses are turning to travel nursing as a way to recover from the stress of the past year and to earn a higher pay rate for their hard work. Discover your dream travel assignment here. […]