February 23, 2018
Traveling nurses choose this job for many reasons, but for many it is the amount of money they can accumulate in a short period of time. Plus, they don’t have housing costs or medical insurance costs. They also can receive retirement funds. But those who don’t handle their money well or like to spend it […]
Read More...February 13, 2018
Peggy Patterson has lived and worked as a traveling nurse in 15 states coast to coast. So far, she’s completed 29 assignments with 10 extensions in 26 cities. Even in her mid-fifties, she is enjoying all the advantages that being a travel nurse can give from new adventures to better pay to lifelong friends. “My […]
Read More...January 5, 2018
As every travel nurse knows, all that time away from home can begin to wear on you. You may even begin to forget why you started the journey in the first place. Sometimes, you just need a little inspiration, a reminder to rekindle that sense of adventure you had in the beginning. These five books […]
Read More...January 3, 2018
I think it’s safe to say that every nurse has the ability to be an effective leader. Below I have described some great ways that you can get more involved in your unit, while demonstrating your leadership abilities. Find travel assignments here. Run/start a committee Get involved in your unit’s committee and see where you […]
Read More...September 26, 2017
If you are one of the many nurses considering a career in travel nursing, you’ve probably heard how great it is and you’ve probably also heard some horror stories. Many of the negative experiences involve being assigned the worst patients, having to work every weekend, or being bullied/ marginalized by your co-workers. Allow me share […]