August 2, 2018
A new travel assignment and a new temporary home can bring joy along with some frustrations. For many people, it’s tough getting a good’s night sleep in different surroundings. That can be for a lot of reasons – nerves for a new job, homesickness, bad mattress or “first-night effect” phenomenon. A Brown University study last […]
Read More...April 30, 2018
For the past 2 ½ years, Andrew Craig and his wife, Sarah, have been living in different parts of the Midwest and Northeast being travel nurses and enjoying adventures along the way. “We both had heard of travel nursing throughout our career. It has a romantic and almost exotic connotation until you learn that the […]
Read More...April 23, 2018
When you pack for a vacation, it’s easy to get a suitcase and throw in the essentials along with some comfortable and fun clothing. But how do you pack your travel suitcase for a nurse assignment that lasts 13 weeks or more? But those who have been doing this gig a while now, understand the […]
Read More...April 20, 2018
The excitement of a new assignment for a travel nurse brings exhilaration and hope of new adventures. But the mental well-being of going somewhere you’ve never been and alone can also make someone feel homesick as they start out in a new place and a new job. It’s normal for humans to feel a connection […]
Read More...April 12, 2018
One of the most amazing benefits of being a travel nurse, is being afforded the opportunity to pay off student loans. By following an appropriate budget and using extra income allotted from travel nursing, you may be able to eliminate student loan debt faster than expected. RNs can make up to $2,300 per week as […]